Journal Papers
C. Tsogka and D. A. Mitsoudis and S. Papadimitropoulos, Imaging extended reflectors in a terminating waveguide,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, in press, 2018.
I. Petromichelakis and C. Tsogka and C.G. Panagiotopoulos, Signal-to-Noise Ratio analysis for time-reversal based imaging techniques in bounded domains ,
Wave Motion (2018), pp. 23-43. doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2018.02.007
M. Moscoso, A. Novikov, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Data structures for robust multifrequency imaging., submitted, 2018.
L. Borcea, E. Karasmani and C. Tsogka, Incoherent source localization in random acoustic waveguides, Waves in Random and Complex media, pp. 1-26, 2018.
J. Fournier, J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Matched-filter and correlation-based imaging for fast moving objects using a sparse network of receivers., SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 2165-2216, 2017.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, K. Solna and C. Tsogka, Resolution analysis of passive synthetic aperture imaging of fast moving objects., SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences , Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 665-710, 2017.
M. Moscoso, A. Novikov, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Multifrequency interferometric imaging with intensity-only measurements., SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1005--1032, 2017.
C. Tsogka, E. Daskalakis, G. Comanducci, F. Ubertini, The stretching method for vibration-based structural health monitoring of civil structures., Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp. 288–303, 2017.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Time and direction of arrival detection and filtering for imaging in strongly scattering random media ,
Waves in Random and Complex Media, published online: 22 Mar 2017.
C. Tsogka and M. Apostolopoulos, A comparative study of data filtering methods for imaging in strongly scattering media ,
Wave Motion (2017), pp. 97-113. doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2016.09.009
C. Tsogka and D. A. Mitsoudis and S. Papadimitropoulos, Partial-aperture array imaging in acoustic waveguides,
Inverse Problems, 32 (2016) 125011 (31pp). doi:
E. Daskalakis, C. Evangelidis, J. Garnier, N. Melis, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Robust seismic velocity
change estimation using ambient noise recordings ,
Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 205, pp. 1926-1936, 2016.
L. Borcea, M. Moscoso, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Synthetic aperture imaging of directional and frequency dependent reflectivity ,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 52-81, 2016.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier and C. Tsogka, A quantitative study of source imaging in random waveguides,
Commun. Math. Sci., Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 749-776, 2015.
J. Garnier and G. Papanicolaou and A. Semin and C. Tsogka, Signal to Noise Ratio Analysis in
Virtual Source Array Imaging,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 248-279, 2015.
C. Tsogka and D. A. Mitsoudis and S. Papadimitropoulos, Selective imaging of extended reflectors in two-dimensional waveguides,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 2714-2739, 2013.
J. Garnier and G. Papanicolaou and A. Semin and C. Tsogka, Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation in
Passive Correlation-Based Imaging,
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 1092-1110, 2013.
L. Borcea F. González del Cueto G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Filtering Deterministic Layer Effects
in Imaging, SIAM Review 2012,54 (4),
pp. 757-798., 2012. This is a SIGEST paper.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Adaptive time-frequency detection and filtering for imaging in
heavy clutter, SIAM Imaging Sciences, 4(3), pp. 827-849., 2011.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Enhanced statistical stability in
coherent interferometric imaging, Inverse
Problems, 27 (8), p. 085003 , 2011.
L. Borcea, J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Coherent interferometric imaging, time
gating and beamforming, Inverse Problems,
Vol. 27, p 065008 (17pp) , 2011.
R. Alonzo, L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Detection and imaging in strongly
backscattering randomly layered media,
Inverse Problems, Vol. 27, p. 025004 (43pp) , 2011.
L. Borcea, L. Issa and
C. Tsogka, Source localization in random acoustic
SIAM Multiscale Modeling Simulations, Vol. 8 (5),
pp. 1981-2022, 2010.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Subspace projection filters for
imaging in random media , Comptes Rendus
Mecanique, Vol. 338, pp. 390-401
, 2010.
L. Borcea, F. Gonzalez del Cueto, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Filtering Random Layering Effects in Imaging,
SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 8, pp. 751-781, 2010.
E. Bécache, J. Rodriguez and
C. Tsogka, Convergence results of the fictitious
domain method for a mixed formulation of the wave equation
with a Neumann boundary condition,
ESAIM:Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
, 43:2, pp. 377-398, 2009.
L. Borcea, F. Gonzalez del Cueto, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Filtering Deterministic Layer Effects in Imaging,
SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 7, pp. 1267-1301, 2008.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Optimal illumination and waveform
design for imaging in random media,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122, pp. 3507-3519, 2007.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Optimal waveform design for array
imaging , Inverse Problems, Vol. 23,
pp. 1973-2020, 2007.
E. Bécache, J. Rodriguez and
C. Tsogka, A fictitious domain method with mixed
finite elements for elastodynamics, SIAM
J. on Scientific Computing, Vol. 29,
pp. 1244-1267, 2007.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Assymptotics for the space-time Wigner
transform with applications to imaging,
in Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory and
Applications. Volume in Honor of Professor Boris
L. Rozovskii, edited by P. H. Baxendale and
S. V. Lototsky, volume 2 of Interdisciplinary
Mathematical Sciences, pp. 91-112 (World
Scientific), 2007.
G. Derveaux, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Time reversal imaging for sensor
networks with optimal compensation in time,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. , Vol. 121,
pp. 2071-2085, 2007.
G. Derveaux, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Resolution and Denoising in Near-Field
imaging, Inverse Problems, Vol. 22,
pp. 1437-1456, 2006.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Adaptive interferometric imaging in
clutter and optimal illumination, Inverse
Problems, Vol. 22, pp. 1405-1436, 2006.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka. Coherent interferometry in finely
layered random media, SIAM J. on Multiscale
Model. Simul., Vol. 5, pp. 62-83, 2006.
K. Huang, G. Papanicolaou, K. Solna, C. Tsogka,
H. Zhao, Efficient Numerical Simulation for Long
Range Wave Propagation, J. Comp. Phys.,
Vol. 215, pp. 448-464, 2006.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Coherent interferometric imaging in clutter,
Geophysics, Vol. 71, pp. SI165-SI175, 2006.
L. Le Marrec and P. Lasaygues and T. Scotti and
C. Tsogka, Efficient shape reconstruction of non-circular
tubes using broadband acoustic measurments,
Acta Acoustica united with Acoustica, Vol. 92, pp. 355-361, 2006.
J.P. Groby and C. Tsogka, A time domain method
for modeling viscoacoustic wave propagation,
J. of Comput. Acoustics, Vol. 14, pp. 201-236, 2006.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Interferometric array imaging in
clutter, Inverse Problems, Vol 21,
pp. 1419-1460, 2005.
J.P. Groby, C. Tsogka and A. Wirgin, Simulation
of seismic response in a city-like
environment, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering, Vol. 25, pp 487-504, 2005.
J. Berryman, L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Statistical stability and
time-reversal imaging in random media ,
Geometric methods in inverse problems and PDE
control, IMA Vol. Math. Appl., 137, Springer,
New York, pp. 15-24, 2004.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Theory
and applications of time reversal and
interferometric imaging, Inverse
Problems, Vol 19, pp. S139-S164, 2003.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, A
resolution study for imaging and time reversal in
random media, Contemporary Math., Vol
333, pp. 63-77. 2003.
C. Tsogka and A. Wirgin, Simulation of seismic
response in an idealized city, Soil
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 23,
pp. 391-402, 2003.
C. Tsogka and A. Wirgin, Seismic response of a
set of blocks partially imbedded in soft
soil, Comptes Rendus Mecanique, Vol. 331,
No. 3, pp. 217-224, 2003.
C. Tsogka and G. Papanicolaou, Time reversal
through a solid-liquid interface and
super-resolution, Inverse Problems, Vol
18, pp. 1639-1657, 2002.
J. Berryman, L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Statistically stable ultrasonic
imaging in random media, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
Vol. 112, pp. 1509-1522, 2002.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou, C. Tsogka and
J. Berryman, Imaging and time reversal in random
media, Inverse Problems, Vol. 18, pp. 1247-1279,
E. Bécache, P. Joly, C. Tsogka, A new family of
mixed finite elements for the linear elastodynamic
problem, SIAM J. of Num. Anal., Vol. 39, No. 6,
pp. 2109-2132. 2002.
E. Bécache, P. Joly, C. Tsogka, Fictitious
domains, mixed finite elements and perfectly matched
layers for 2-D elastic wave propagation, J. of
Comput. Acoustics, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1175-1202,
F. Collino, C. Tsogka, Application of the PML
absorbing layer model to the linear elastodynamic
problem in anisotropic heterogeneous
media, Geophysics, Vol. 66,
No. 1, pp. 294-307, 2001.
E. Bécache, P. Joly, C. Tsogka, An analysis of
new mixed finite elements for the approximation of
wave propagation problems, SIAM
J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 1053-1084,
E. Bécache, P. Joly, C. Tsogka. Étude d'un
nouvel élément fini mixte permettant la condensation
de masse, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t 324,
Serie I, pp. 1281-1286, 1997.
E. Bécache, P. Joly, C. Tsogka, Éléments finis
mixtes et condensation de masse en élastodynamique
linéaire. (I) Construction,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t 325, Serie I,
pp. 545-550, 1997.
Book Chapters
C. Tsogka and P. Joly , Finite Element Methods
with Discontinuous Displacement, in Effective
Computational Methods in Wave Propagation , edited by
N. A. Campanis, V. A. Dougalis and J. A. Ekaterinaris, Chapman
& Hall/CRC, 2008.
C. Tsogka and P. Joly , Fictitious Domains
Methods for Wave Diffraction, in Effective
Computational Methods in Wave Propagation , edited by
N. A. Campanis, V. A. Dougalis and J. A. Ekaterinaris, Chapman
& Hall/CRC, 2008.
C. Tsogka and P. Joly , Numerical Methods for
Treating Unbounded Media, in Effective
Computational Methods in Wave Propagation , edited by
N. A. Campanis, V. A. Dougalis and J. A. Ekaterinaris, Chapman
& Hall/CRC, 2008.
C. Panagiotopoulos, Y. Petromichelakis and C. Tsogka, Time reversal and imaging for structures , in
Dynamic Response of Infrastructure to Environmentally Induced Loads: Analysis, Measurements, Testing, and Design , A. Sextos and
G.D. Manolis, Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 159--182, 2017.
Conference Papers
C. Tsogka, Y. Petromichelakis and C. G. Panagiotopoulos, Influence of the boundaries in imaging for damage localization
in 1d domains , Proceedings of the
8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics
,Volos, Greece, July 12-15, 2015.
C. G. Panagiotopoulos, Y. Petromichelakis and C. Tsogka, Time reversal in elastodynamics and applications to structural
health monitoring, Proceedings of the 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
, Crete, Greece, May 25-27, 2015.
L. Borcea, E. Karasmani and C. Tsogka, Underwater source detection and localization with incoherent data,
Proceedings of the 3rd Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibition
,Chania, Greece, June 21-26, 2015.
L. Borcea and G. Papanicolaou and C. Tsogka, Array imaging in heavy clutter,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation
,Tunis, Tunisia, June 3-7, 2013.
C. Tsogka and D.A. Mitsoudis and S. Papadimitropoulos, Imaging extended reflectors
in a two-dimensional waveguide,
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation
,Tunis, Tunisia, June 3-7, 2013.
J. Garnier, F. Papanicolaou, A. Semin and C. Tsogka, Signal to noise
ratio estimation in passive correlation based imaging,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Inverse
Problems Control and Optimization, Ecole Polytechnique,
Palaiseau, France, April 2-4, 2012.
A. Semin and C. Tsogka, Coherent imaging using
cross-correlations of ambient noise sources,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation
,Vancouver, Canada, July 25-29, 2011.
E. Becache, J. Rodriguez and C. Tsogka, The
fictitious domain method and applications in wave
propagation, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics
and Earthquake Engineering
,Rhodes, Greece, 22-24 June, 2009.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Selective array imaging of cracks in
homogeneous and random media, Proceedings of
WCCM8-ECCOMAS 08, Venice, Italy, June 30 - July 4, 2008.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Waveform Design for Selective Imaging
in Random Media, Proceedings of the
Conference on Inverse Problems Control and Optimization, PICOF
, Marrakesh, Morocco, April 16-19, 2008.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Waveform Design for Selective Imaging
in Random Media, Proceedings of the
conference Coputational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Eartquake
Engineering, COMPDYN , Rethymnon, Crete, June 13-16 2007.
P. Kyritsi, C. Tsogka and
G. Papanicolaou, Optimally Designed Time Reversal
and Zero Forcing Schemes, Proceedings of the
First International wireless Summit, Aalborg,
Denmark, September 17-22, 2005.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Adaptive imaging in
clutter, Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of
Wave Propagation, Providence, RI, June 20-24,
K. Huang, G. Papanicolaou K. Solna, C. Tsogka and
H. Zhao, An algorithm for long range wave
propagation, Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical
Aspects of Wave Propagation, Providence, RI, June
20-24, 2005.
L. Le Marrec, C. Tsogka, P. Lasaygues and
T. Scotti, Wide Band Quantitative Imaging Of High
Contrast Objects By A Canonical
Approximation, Proceedings of the FifthWorld
Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris, France, 2003.
L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Estimation for imaging and time
reversal in scattering media, Proceedings of
the Sixth International Conference on Mathematical
and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 911-915, 2003.
J.P. Groby and C. Tsogka, A time domain method
for modeling wave propagation phenomena in
viscoacoustic media, Proceedings of the
sixth International Conference on Mathematical and
Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 631-636, 2003.
L. Le Marrec, P. Lasaygues, C. Tsogka and
T. Scotti, Multi-frequency quantitative imaging
of high contrast objects: canonical
approximation, Proceedings of the 27th
International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging,
Saarbrücken, Germany, 24-27 March 2003.
J. Berryman, L. Borcea, G. Papanicolaou and
C. Tsogka, Imaging methods in random media,
in A. Wirgin (ed.), Proceedings of the conference
Acoustics mechanics and the related topics of
mathematical analysis (AMRTMA), World
Scientific, pp. 14-20, 2002.
C. Tsogka and A. Wirgin, Simulation of seismic
response in a city, in A. Wirgin
(ed.), Proceedings of the conference Acoustics
mechanics and the related topics of mathematical
analysis (AMRTMA), World Scientific, pp. 258-264,
F. Collino, C. Tsogka, Application of the
Perfectly Mached absorbing Layer model to
elastodynamics, Proc. of the Third National
Congress on Computational, University of
Thessaly Press, 1999.
E. Bécache, P. Joly, C. Tsogka, Fictitious domain
method applied to the scattering by a crack of
transient elastic wave in anisotropic media: a new
family of mixed finite elements leading to explicit
schemes, Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of
Wave Propagation, SIAM, pp. 322-326, 1998.
E. Bécache, P. Joly, C. Tsogka, Fictitious domain
method applied to an elastodynamic scattering
problem, Proc. of the Fifth National Congress
on Mechanics, University of Ioannina Press,
Ph.D. Thesis
C. Tsogka, Modélisation mathématique et numérique
de la propagation des ondes élastiques
tridimensionnelles dans des milieux
fissurés. Ph.D. Thesis,University Paris IX,
France , 1999.