Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Univ. of Crete
 Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, FORTH
"Modeling and Numerical Methods 
for Multiscale Problems"
June 2-7/2003, IACM, FORTH
Heraklion, Crete, GREECE

Scientific Programme

June 2nd
June 3rd
June 4th
June 5th
June 6th
June 7th
9:30 - 10:30
F. Otto T. Hou
A. Cohen
J. Osborn
S. Jin

J. Osborn

11:00 - 12:00
J. Osborn
F. Otto
F. Otto
A. Cohen
A. Cohen
A. Cohen
12:30 - 13:30
T. Hou
S. Jin
S. Jin
T. Hou
T. Hou

S. Jin


14:45 - 15:45
F. Otto
J. Osborn

16:00 - 17:00


Invited Lecturers
Titles, Abstracts
Location, Travelling