Undergraduate Courses
- MEM103: Foundations of Mathematics . Fall Semester 2015-2016. (in greek)
- MEM291/EM202: Design and Analysis of Algorithms . Fall Semester 2014-2015. (in greek)
- EM202: Design and Analysis of Algorithms . Fall Semester 2013-2014. (in greek)
- EM111: Linear Algebra & Analytic Geometry. Fall Semester 2012-2013. (in greek)
- EM102: Computer Programming. Spring Semester 2011-2012. (in greek)
- EM201: Discrete Mathematics. Fall Semester 2011-2012. (in greek)
- EM202: Design and Analysis of Algorithms . Spring Semester 2010-2011. (in greek)
- EM201: Discrete Mathematics. Fall Semester 2010-2011. (in greek)
- EM202: Design and Analysis of Algorithms . Spring Semester 2009-2010. (in greek)
- EM201: Discrete Mathematics. Fall Semester 2009-2010. (in greek)
- EM102: Computer Programming. Spring Semester 2008-2009. (in greek)
- EM101: Introduction to Computers. Fall Semester 2008-2009. (in greek)
- HY240: Data Structures. Spring Semester 2007-2008. (in greek)
- EM203: Theory of Computation. Fall Semester 2007-2008. (in greek)
- EM201: Discrete Mathematics. Fall Semester 2006-2007.
- EM202: Theory of Algorithms. Spring Semester 2005-2006. (in greek)
- EM201: Discrete Mathematics. Fall Semester 2005-2006. (in greek)
Graduate Courses
- A32: Computability Theory (Reading course). Fall Semester 2008-2009.
- EM364/HY584: Geometric Algorithms. Spring Semester 2006-2007. (in greek)
- A33: Algorithms and Complexity. Spring Semester 2006-2007. (in greek)
- EM369Γ/HY584: Geometric Algorithms (Computational Geometry). Spring Semester 2005-2006. (in greek)
Workshop on Geometric Computing
Co-organized with O. Devillers, M. Teillaud and
E. Tsigaridas
The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library - 31st CGAL Developer Meeting
- Computational Geometry Pages
- 22nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry
Minisymposium on
Publicly Available Geometric/Topological Software
Co-organized with Monique Teillaud
- Paper
Check out my interview about our SODA 2012 paper with Eleni Tzanaki