Multiscale mathematical modeling and simulation in biology & medicine
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Cell Migration

  • Mylona, E., K. A. Jones, S.T. Mills, and G.K. Pavlath. CD44 regulates myoblast migration and differentiation J. Cell. Physiol., 209(2): 314-321, 2006.
  • Tsivitse, S.K., E. Mylona, J.M. Peterson, W.T. Gunning, and F.X. Pizza. Mechanical loading and injury induce human myotubes to release neutrophil chemoattractants. Amer. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 288 (3): C721-9, 2005
Vascular network formation - vascular morphogenesis
  • A mechanochemical model of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis'', ESAIM, Math. Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 37(4), 2003, pp.581-99.
  • Modeling and Simulation of the Formation of Vascular Networks. ESAIM: Proceedings, Vol. 12: MS4CMS 2002 - Modelling and Simulation for Computer-aided Medicine and Surgery (invited contribution).
  • J.D. Murray, D. Manoussaki, S.R. Lubkin and R.B. Vernon. A mechanical theory of in vitro vascular network formation. In: Vascular Morphogenesis: In Vivo, In Vitro and In Mente, C. Little, V. Mironov, H. Sage, eds., BirkhДuser, 1998.
  • D. Manoussaki, S.R. Lubkin, R.B. Vernon, and J.D. Murray. A mechanical model for the formation of vascular networks in vitro. Acta Biotheoretica, 44(3-4), Nov. 1996, pp. 271-82.
Cochlear Mechanics
  • D. Manoussaki, E.K. Dimitriadis, R.S. Chadwick. Cochlea's graded curvature effect on low frequency waves. Physical Review Letters, 96, 088701 (issue of March 3, 2006).
  • H. Cai, D. Manoussaki, R.S. Chadwick. Effect of coiling on the micromechanics of the mammalian cochlea. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 2(4), 2005, p. 341.
  • D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick. Effects of geometry on fluid loading in a coiled cochlea. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 61 (2), 2000, pp. 369-386.
  • R.S. Chadwick. D. Manoussaki. Geometric wave amplification in a helicoidal version of the classical model of cochlear mechanics. In: Recent Developments in Auditory Mechanics, Sendai, Japan, H. Wada et al. eds., World Scientific, 1999.
  • H. Cai, D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick. Wave propagation in a complex micromechanics model with curvature (accepted).
  • R.S. Chadwick, D. Manoussaki, E.K. Dimitriadis, B. Shoelson, D.R. Ketten, J. Arruda, J.T. O'Malley. Cochlear coiling and low-frequency hearing. (accepted)
  • D. Manoussaki, E.K. Dimitriadis, B. Shoelson, J. Arruda, J.T. O'Malley, D.R. Ketten and R.S. Chadwick. Mammals use spiral cochleas to enhance low frequency hearing (submitted.)
Cell - cell interactions, cell orientation arrays
  • C. Lin, M.D.Dikaiakos, D. Manoussaki, and D. Woodward. The Portable Parallel Implementation of Two Novel Mathematical Biology Algorithms'' 9th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, Barcelona, Spain, June 1995.